When you come to think of it that is the secret of most of the great holes all over the world. They all have some kind of a twist. C.B. MACDONALD
"We are pleased with the court's decision and have no further comment at this time"
/Bob Harig on Doug Barron losing in court:
In his ruling, Pham wrote that Barron's participating in the qualifying round this week "could raise substantial public policy concerns regarding the enforcement of anti-doping policies in professional sports."
According to Barron's attorney and representative Art Thorne, Barron tested positive this summer for two banned substances -- testosterone and a beta-blocker -- both of which Barron said he has been taking for years as prescribed by a doctor.
Barron had sought a therapeutic use exemption for the drugs last year but was denied by the PGA Tour. His lawyers argued that he was not trying to gain an unfair advantage, that he took the drugs under a doctor's supervision and that he made no secret about it.
Barron, who played in just one PGA Tour event this year -- the Memphis St. Jude Classic where the random drug test was administered -- and four on the Nationwide Tour, was in Texas on Monday where he hoped to tee it up in the 72-hole qualifier which begins Wednesday at Deerwood Golf Club in McKinney.
Alex Miceli posts this very interesting timeline on Barron's career, with notes about how far back he has relied on beta-blockers.
Oct. 22, 2008 – Commissioner Tim Finchem denies appeal and instructs Barron to begin weaning himself off the drug.
2008 – Barron earns only $33,446 in 17 events on the Nationwide Tour.
Jan. 20 or 21*, 2009 – Tour denies the TUE for exogenous testosterone and instructs Barron to stop taking the drug. (* The Tour and Barron have different dates for the decision.)
Spring – Barron starts to take Lyrica as a substitute for Propranolol.
Early June – A doctor injects Barron with exogenous testosterone.
June 11 – Barron is drug-tested at the St. Jude Classic.
June 15 – Barron misses the cut at St. Jude.
2009 – Barron’s sample is found to contain Propranolol and testosterone.
July 23, Aug. 12 – Barron provides additional information to the Tour about his use of Propranolol and testosterone.
Oct. 20 – The Tour suspends Barron for one year (until Sept. 20, 2010) for violating the anti-doping ban on performance-enhancing drugs.
A cynic (which I certainly am not) might read that account and think the Commissioner didn't like Barron ignoring his recommendation to start weaning himself off of his prescribed drugs. Hard to imagine how Barron would not have faith in the Commissioner's medical expertise. Shocking, frankly.
"Can't all those Chinese fans just watch the President's Cup live on TV, all the way from San Francisco?"
/Tim Finchem's 18-Day Adventure
/Here's how you know the American economy stinks...18 days? That's a lot of "customers" to talk to.
Courtesy of Doug Ferguson's weekly notes:
"We had to deal with that from a defensive standpoint from an image perspective."
/2009 Tour Championship Photo Caption Fun
/What's on Phil's mind? What's the Commissioner saying to Tiger? From Rob Matre's final round photo gallery:
"Without the win-or-go-home scenario that defines playoff competition in team sports, the FedEx Cup will never generate widespread public interest or earn critical acclaim."
/Finchem: BCS Is "Blessed"
/"Our objective is to do the things that we need to do to continue to grow as we come out of a downturn, and it's not our intention to go backwards to get ready to go forwards."
/Obama Takes Time Out From Busy Schedule To Broker Peace Accord Between Norman, Finchem
/...and to scuff up the President's Oval Office desk with the Presidents Cup trophy. Helen Ross reports on the events of the day, including a meeting with Joe Biden beforehand. The happy gang:
"We think it brings a new sharpness to the Playoffs."
/Say goodbye to strengthen, active and platform and say hello to sharpen.
The Commish unveiled a new word Wednesday at Liberty National and the world is a better place for it.