Dr. Galea Charged...

...Dan Herbeck and Phil Fairbanks report for the Buffalo News on the case against Tiger Woods' doctor and they note this about the case against Anthony Galea:

The complaint against Galea refers to three witnesses, all current or former NFL players, who claim to have been patients. While none of the three are named, the complaint offers the following allegations:

• The first witness received injections of actovegin from Dr. Galea. Actovegin is not banned by the NFL, but its use is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

• The second witness had two kits of HGH delivered to his residence at Dr. Galea's direction. HGH is allowed for specific and limited medical conditions, but is banned by the NFL.

• The third witness is alleged to have been treated numerous times by Dr. Galea but denied knowingly receiving HGH.