Will The PGA Tour's Secrecy Have Repercussions?
/That's the theory of former PGA Tour Policy Board member Joe Ogilvie, quoted by Jeff Rude in assessing the latest moves in the Vijay Singh lawsuit and the Tour's refusal to comment. While a seemingly wise policy on paper, the accusations hurled by Vijay's attorney have an ounce of credibility only because the tour is so careful about not revealing much of anything.Ogilvie says:
“If a player is suspended or subject to disciplinary action, he should know what the punishment was for others,” Ogilvie said. “That’s only fair. I would want to know, because how can I mount a defense if I don’t?
“It’s as if Tour communication is a state secret and if they allowed us to know their secrets, national security somehow would be undermined. If that’s the culture in this day and age, it’s going to bite you. We’re not in the 1970s and ’80s anymore. You just have to be more forthcoming.”