That's Our Greg! "I probably would have beat" Tiger
/David DeNunzio interviews Greg Norman at Tony Montana's former hunting cabin...wait, sorry, that's The Great White Shark's Colorado home. Anyway, the gift that keeps on giving did have some very wise things to say in the same interview. But why dwell on the insightful Wednesday when we can always read the wise things Thursday.
Here's the comment grabbing all the headlines, as it should even though is the self proclaimed living icon of his own brand, a comment some might suggest speaks to a certain delusional quality.
A lot of people ask how I'd stack up against today's players if I had use of modern equipment. Listen, it's not about the gear. Winning is about what's in your heart and in your head. Equipment dictates how to play the game in an era, but the physical and mental skills are the same. And I had them. I never feared anything or anyone on the course, and I wasn't afraid to fail. So I think I'd do pretty well against Snead, Hogan, Tiger and Phil -- whoever. Tiger's a tough guy, but I was a tough guy on the course, too. I probably would have beat him.
Look Shark, you were the best player in the world, won two Open Championships and were one incredible golfer. But uh, well, how do I say this nicely? The score is 14-2 and I'm guessing that's about how the head-to-head match up would have played out.
Now, on a lighter note, it's great to see that with your wealth and success off the course you've been able to work through your emotions and think rationally when it comes to Commissioner Finchem and the World Tour concept he borrowed generously.
Unfortunately, Finchem and the media ripped me to shreds. They said I was trying to ruin the game. It got so bad that a lot of PGA club pros who carried Greg Norman Collection [clothes] began canceling their contracts. I was devastated, but I was so sure of the World Tour's promise that I called each one of them to explain my side of the story, because I was never offered the chance to do so with the PGA Tour. It took weeks. I asked each one to hear me out and draw his own conclusions. Everyone kept their contract. My tour never got off the ground, yet three years later the PGA Tour launched the World Golf Championships. I guess they didn't like the fact that it wasn't their idea.
It's poor policy to slay the dreamer just because he or she came up with a better plan. It's so against how I do things. If you came to me with something great that I had never thought of, I'd say, "Are you okay, or do you want help? Should we joint-venture?" If the answer is "no," I'm still going to support you, because your idea is fantastic. It didn't happen that way with Finchem and, honestly, it's one of the reasons I don't do certain things in golf anymore. I haven't played in a PGA-sanctioned event in 18 months. I don't see a reason to support an entity that tried to destroy my dream.
Well, except when they call to have you drive a cart around at the Presidents Cup. Or not call.