Faxon: PGA Tour May Urge USGA To Drop Anchoring Ban
/Brad Faxon has penned an exclusive for golf.com/SI regarding a PGA Tour Policy Board conference call that Commissioner Bifurcation has convened Monday to discuss the proposed anchored putting ban. Faxon is predicting that the Commish is gathering a consensus to urge the USGA and R&A to withdraw the proposed rule change.
The USGA and the R&A, the world's governing golf bodies, have an open comment period about the proposed rule change that concludes at the end of this month. If you're so inclined, try to influence the debate-send an email to the USGA, R&A or PGA Tour and let them know how you feel. That's why Tim is having his Tour Policy Board meeting on Monday. I believe he's going to try to persuade the board to that the Tour should urge the USGA to withdraw the proposed ban.
Faxon also feels the USGA won't back down.
In the end, I believe the USGA will not back off the proposed ban, and that the ban will be accepted on the PGA Tour. I have to think that the USGA anticipated this level of pushback from the Tour. But it really is also possible that the USGA will back down. It's so hard to know. This is completely unchartered territory.