Players Tribune Editor: Tiger Wanted "Broader Audience"
/Alan Bastable talks to The Players Tribune editor Gary Hoenig about how Tiger's commentary on the Dan Jenkins satirical interview went from Tiger's keyboard to the upstart website.From Bastable's piece:
“They were aware that we were encouraging athletes to speak their mind,” Tribune editorial director Gary Hoenig told in an e-mail. “I think they felt we were reaching a broader audience than their site.”
That may be the funniest line in the Woods v. Jenkins saga!
I'm pretty confident a majority of the world could guess what was and how to find it before the item appeared. ThePlayersTribunecom? Is that a gambling tip sheet those who miss the smell of fresh ink on recycled paper in the morning?
According to Quantcast is currently enjoying 634,000 monthly unique visitors. is at 54,000.
As for the Woods camp being "aware" of The Players Tribune's intent, that would be accurate since Excel Management's Chief Marketing Officer is a founding partner in the site. Excel, of course, is the firm representing Woods.