For Three Days Every Two Years A United Europe
/The AP's John Leicester files the perfect column for you to send insufferable Team Europe fans who are anti-European Union for all but one week every two years. Leicester writes:
Except, that is, for three days every two years, when European golf fans put nationality aside to rally behind the common cause of beating the Yanks at golf. Thanks, they might say, for helping us defeat Nazi Germany, for everything you did to help build modern Europe, the Marshall plan, staring down the Soviets and whatnot, but now watch our guys sink this birdie.
Which all makes golf's premier team event politically interesting and, at the same time, also feel somewhat bizarre.
Nowhere else will you see Ordinary Joes draping the European Union flag over their shoulders or cheering "Europe! Europe!" as they will from the very first tee Friday when captain Paul McGinley's merry band of 12 men from nine nations begin their defense of the cup.
Ask around in the crowds and you quickly find people who say they feel little or no love for the European Union but who are decked out in the EU colors of yellow and blue. It's all a bit perplexing.