President Obama Plays Torrey Pines South, Crashes Wedding
/Tod Leonard with no shortage of fun details on President Barack Obama's (sort of) impromptu round at Torrey Pines South Saturday.Besides only clearing a few times to fit him in, the President used cart 44 and his green fee was paid for by staff.
As late as Saturday, the round was in doubt due to Obama’s schedule, but they got confirmation on Saturday evening that the game was on. City Golf Manager Marney shuffled some tee times to create a small window at 12:45 p.m., but otherwise there weren’t any special requests to limit play. (And yes, Obama's two foursomes paid the green fees.)
“The secret service guys were very sensitive about that. They didn’t want to inconvenience other people,” Marney said.
As arranged, Obama’s motorcade arrived at the closed north end of the range, where he greeted local officials and got his pyramid of pristine practice balls. Casagranda was among those who shook his hand and apologized for the unseasonable 90-degree heat.
“He said, ‘That’s OK, it’ll help me stay loose,’ “ Casagranda said.
The President crashed a wedding at The Lodge just off the 18th green, creating an epic blog post for the lucky couple.