Video: Schmitz Talks About Ace We May Never See
/Easily one of the coolest stories of the year was the U.S. Mid-Amateur final with a pro jock (you know, a caddy, a looper) Marc Dull, taking on a healthcare services guy (Sammy Schmitz), a former DIII golfer whose wife and friends worked hard to get there for the finale. Oh, and then they play a great match with a historic shot.Schmitz makes a hole in one on a par-4 to win!
Naturally, the USGA, armed with millions upon millions in revenue couldn't get their partners at Fox to share some video recorded or dvote a freelance video team to record some of the final day proceedings. (Or maybe it's all been sent off to the film processing lab for future viewing?)
If there is no video of the U.S. Mid-Amateur final in the 21st century, that's pathetic on a level that is unacceptable for a group with nearly $400 million in the bank. I repeat: $400 million! Yet no video from a championship that is comprised and followed by their core constituency.
Anyway, let's focus on Schmitz's win over Dull that was everything the mid-am was supposed to be.
Pete Kowalski has some fun anecdotes at on Schmitz's win and sets up the epic ace.
Jeff Babineau files a more extensive and really outstanding game story for on Schmitz, the match and the ace.
Schmitz, before heading to the airport or maybe en route, talked to Rich Lerner at Golf Channel about his win and the historic shot. Oh, and heading to the Masters.