Defunct Back9Network's State Loans Were Deferred...
/The Hartford Courant's Mara Lee filed a more extensive story on the demise of Back9Network, revealed Monday. To paraphrase Eddie from America's Sweethearts, sometimes you look at a network and wonder, where did the money go?Back9's state funding is part of the story, and just how little they paid back to Connecticut adds to questions about the supposed $40 million the network claimed to have raised.
Back9 said it has raised more than $40 million in startup capital. That includes more than $5 million from the state Department of Economic and Community Development. It first received a $100,000 grant and $250,000 loan from the Small Business Express program, and then received two more loans under the Manufacturers' Assistance Act program, a program that is open to far more than manufacturers. The first loan was in 2012 for $750,000, and the second loan was in 2013 for $4 million.
The company has not paid any interest back on the largest loan, because payments were deferred until 2017 and 2018. On the smaller loan, it pays $1,850 monthly.
Under the agreements for the loans, if the company defaults, the state can take all its equipment, bank accounts and accounts receivables.
**Bob Englehart of the Hartford Courant courtesy of reader Rick:
The moral of the story? There is none. This is how the world works and will work again until we all understand that the state investing $5 million in people’s education will bring a more profitable return on investment than giving our money to the well-connected lucky few who don’t need it.
**Ryan Ballengee with a history of the Back9Network, which in hindsight, sounds like it was doomed from the start.