Kansas Course Adopts Ancient Sustainability Program
/John Green of the Hutchinson News reports on Crazy Horse Sport Club and Golf Course turning their native roughs over to three goats who will eat any weed, including poison ivy.Green writes:
“They love the weeds,” said Matt Seitz, general manager of the now Crazy Horse Sport Club and Golf Course, 922 Crazy Horse Road. “Especially the poison ivy. I saw them running along and they just stopped and started gobbling it up. It’s like candy to them.”
Jon Mollhagen, the Lorraine rancher and businessman who bought the course earlier this year, obtained the three female animals from a friend, said Seitz, who did not know their breed.
“This a good way of controlling the weeds without chemicals,” Seitz explained. “We used to spray it, but it’s hard to control and we’d rather do it without all the herbicides and stuff.”
Besides, Seitz said, “they’re good at getting people talking. It’s something new.”
Of course it's not actually news, but the way many links once had their roughs maintained. In fact, quite a few could borrow the Crazy Horse practices and maybe give us healthier natives while saving a few balls.